Keira's Law is named after Keira Kagan, a four-year-old girl who was found dead in a believed murder-suicide act by her father Robin Brown at the base of a cliff in Milton, ON.
The death of Keira Kagan occurred no less than two weeks after being ordered into the father’s unsupervised care. However, there were many apparent warning indicators of her father’s increasing abusive and controlling behaviour.
Throughout her family law matter, Keira’s mother Jennifer Kagan-Viater raised the issue of the abuse she was subjected to by her husband repeatedly and out of concern for her daughter, Ms. Kagan-Viater sought on multiple occasions to have Mr. Brown’s contact with Kiera limited. However, Mr. Brown on every occasion was given extensive and unsupervised parenting time despite considerable evidence of severe abuse being found.
On April 27, 2023, a law known as "Keira's Law" was passed, receiving royal assent and officially becoming law on May 27, 2023. The purpose of this law is to ensure judges receive education regarding domestic violence and coercive control in intimate partner and family relationships. Its main focus is on judges who handle cases involving domestic violence, coercive control, and the consideration of risk factors.
Amendment of the Judges Act:
Amendment of the Criminal Code:
Keira's Law represents a significant step towards improving the protection of survivors of domestic violence. By ensuring that judges and justices of the peace are well-educated in recognizing and responding to domestic violence and coercive control, the law aims to prevent tragedies like Keira Kagan’s death and ensure that survivors receive the protection and support they need.