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Choosing the Right Family Law Lawyer for You

  • Key Traits: Seek a family law lawyer with stability, trustworthiness, compassion, experience, level-headedness, and honesty to save costs and avoid unnecessary litigation.
  • Initial Consultation: Prepare for the consultation by asking crucial questions about court resolution, collaborative practice, trial experience, charges, and payment options.
  • Instincts Matter: Trust your gut feelings when choosing a lawyer, especially regarding their approach to children's best interests and overall compatibility with your needs.
INB Family Law Lawyers

Importance of Choosing the Right Lawyer

Choosing the right Durham region lawyer for your family law matter is one of the most important decisions you can make. In the world of mass online marketing and fake reviews, it is easy to feel lost when it comes to finding the right family lawyer for you.

Recommendations and Referrals

Many professionals in this area of law will tell you the best way to find a good family lawyer is through recommendations and referrals. Whether the referral comes from friends, family, professional colleagues, or others you respect. If someone close to you has been happy with their lawyer’s work, it is worth considering that recommendation with high regard. Always ensure the lawyer is well-versed in family law, not just something they dabble in. Family law is highly complex; the issues at hand encompass several areas of law, not just divorce, separation, parent access, and decision-making responsibility. Ascertaining that the lawyer is a family law lawyer vs. a general lawyer or a lawyer that predominantly practices in another area of law will ensure that the lawyer will have the correct specialized computer software and literature to calculate spousal or child support.

Characteristics to Look For

When searching for a family lawyer, there are several important characteristics to look for in a lawyer. Some examples would be the stability of the firm, trustworthiness, compassion, and experience. Two of the most important characteristics of a family lawyer are level-headedness and honesty. Finding a family lawyer who holds these two characteristics will save you thousands of dollars throughout your case. The reason is that a lawyer who does not seek revenge and who seeks settlement will help you avoid unnecessary litigation and stress. This list is not exclusive; there are a wide variety of other essential traits to look for in a family law lawyer.

Initial Consultation

After narrowing down your options, you will want to proceed with an initial consultation. It is imperative to fully prepare before your initial consultation or first meeting with a lawyer. When meeting with the lawyer, there are several questions to understand better if the lawyer is the right fit for you.

Here are some examples of questions to ask:

  • Can my matter be resolved without attending court?
  • Do you have training in collaborative practice?
  • Have you conducted any family law trials? If so, how many?
  • How much do you charge?
  • What are my options for payment?

Prioritizing Children's Best Interests

In matters involving children, it is vital to ensure that the lawyer understands that the main objective is always to do what is in the children’s best interest. If a lawyer says otherwise, a red flag should be noted and you should reconsider their services. Children should never be used as pawns or bargaining chips to extract more from your former spouse.

Trust Your Instincts

One key thing to always consider when hiring a family law lawyer is your instinct. It is essential to trust your gut; your instincts are important and should not be ignored. If something does not feel right or feels off, the best thing to do is be honest and follow your instinct on hiring a specific lawyer.


When choosing a family lawyer who will be best suited for you, remember to ask the important questions and to trust your intuition. Below we’ve included some helpful tips to guide you.

Finding the right lawyer for your legal matters is important and there are two main methods you can employ to conduct your search: recommendations and online research.

  • Seek advice from trusted sources: Begin by reaching out to family members, friends, or colleagues who have personal experiences with lawyers. Their insights can provide valuable information regarding the quality of service they received, the lawyer's expertise, and their communication skills.
  • Consult professionals in related fields: Consider seeking recommendations from professionals in associated fields such as real estate agents, accountants, or financial advisors. These individuals frequently work with lawyers and can offer valuable insights based on their interactions.
  • Utilize local bar associations: Contact your local bar association or provincial law society to access their recommendation and referral services. These organizations are equipped to provide tailored suggestions based on your specific legal requirements.
Online Research:
  • Identify your legal needs: Determine the specific area of law that pertains to your case, such as family law, personal injury, criminal defense, or any other relevant field. This will enable you to narrow your search and find lawyers with expertise in your area of concern.
  • Utilize search engines: Take advantage of search engines like Google to find lawyers in your geographical area. Utilize specific keywords related to your case, such as "divorce lawyer in [your location]." This will refine the search results and highlight lawyers specializing in your specific legal issue.
  • Review websites and online profiles: Visit the websites and online profiles of the lawyers that surface during your search. Pay close attention to their areas of practice, years of experience, qualifications, and any client testimonials or case results they provide. These details will aid you in assessing their expertise and track record.
  • Consider online reviews and ratings: Explore independent review platforms like Google or Yelp to gain insights from past clients. Reviews can provide valuable information regarding the lawyer's reputation, client satisfaction, and overall performance. However, it is essential to consider reviews as one aspect of several when making your decision.

Combining recommendations from trusted sources with thorough online research, you can compile a comprehensive list of potential lawyers for your case. It is advisable to schedule initial consultations with the lawyers that you shortlist. This will allow you to delve further into your case, ask questions, and evaluate their communication style and compatibility with your needs.

Ultimately, rely on your instincts when making the final decision, selecting a lawyer who possesses the necessary expertise and instills confidence while making you feel comfortable throughout the legal process.