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Property Division

Legal Representation for Property Division Matters in Ontario

Dividing property can be one of the most complex aspects of a divorce or separation. At INB Family Law LLP, we understand the importance of protecting your financial interests and ensuring a fair distribution of assets. Our experienced property division lawyers provide personalized representation to navigate the complexities of property division with skill and expertise.

Understanding Property Division

Property division involves the fair distribution of assets and liabilities acquired during the relationship. In Ontario, the law presumes that property acquired during the marriage is to be divided equally between the spouses. Our knowledgeable lawyers provide guidance on the legal principles, factors considered by the court, and strategies for achieving equitable property division settlements.

Types of Property Subject to Division

Property subject to division may include:

Matrimonial Home:

The family home and any other properties used by the family as a residence.

Financial Assets:

Bank accounts, investments, pensions, and retirement savings accumulated during the relationship.

Real Estate:

Properties such as vacation homes, rental properties, or commercial real estate.

Personal Property:

Vehicles, furniture, jewelry, artwork, and other personal belongings acquired during the relationship.


Mortgages, loans, credit card debts, and other liabilities incurred during the relationship.

Our lawyers assist clients in identifying and valuing marital assets and liabilities to ensure an equitable division of property.

Factors Considered in Property Division

When dividing property, the court considers various factors to ensure a fair and equitable distribution, including:

  • Duration of the marriage or relationship
  • Financial contributions made by each spouse
  • Non-financial contributions, such as homemaking and childcare
  • Future financial needs and circumstances of each spouse
  • Tax implications and other relevant factors

Our lawyers advocate for property division settlements that reflect these considerations and prioritize our clients' financial interests.

Methods of Property Division

Property division can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or court litigation. Our lawyers help clients explore their options and choose the method that best suits their needs and circumstances. Whether through amicable agreement or contested court proceedings, we strive to achieve fair and equitable property division settlements for our clients.

Protecting Your Property Rights

Protecting your property rights is essential during divorce or separation proceedings. Our lawyers work diligently to ensure that your assets are accurately valued and fairly divided. We help you understand your rights and options, negotiate favorable settlements, and advocate for your interests in court if necessary.

Why Choose INB Family Law for Property Division

Choosing the right legal representation is crucial in property division matters. At INB Family Law LLP, we offer personalized attention and expert guidance to protect your financial interests and ensure a fair division of assets. With our dedicated lawyers by your side, you can trust that your property division settlement will be comprehensive, equitable, and tailored to your specific needs.


  • Worked with Adam on a very challenging case. He was professional, empathetic and made great suggestions. Communicated well and responded in timely matters. We came to an amicable conclusion to a case that was the 1% worst scenario that could have occurred to anybody. Moving on to a happier life and very glad to have Adam on my side.
    Bradford Soles
  • Jason, Mariette and their team are extremely helpful with my husband's case and navigated the tricky family court web with ease. We wouldn't have been able to do it without them, and they have billed us extremely fairly. If you want a team that will stand behind you and with you, INB Family Law is the place to go.
    Andrea Nikolic
  • I would like to give a special thanks to INB law for their competent and good work while dealing with my seperation. Really felt secure with regards to how my situation was progressing. Thank you!
    Kyle Thomson

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